About the Co-op
We formed the Hawai‘i ‘Ulu Cooperative in 2016 to build a network of small-scale, diversified farms on Hawai‘i Island that grow breadfruit and want to improve community access to this amazing, nutritious food. By working together, we are able to offer consistent, high-quality ‘ulu products that are delicious, versatile, local, healthy, accessible, and sustainable. The co-op is committed to the revival of ‘ulu to strengthen Hawai‘i’s food security and to the value of aloha ‘āina (love for the land) by using environmentally responsible growing and production methods. Distributed throughout the island’s numerous microclimates, our more than 70 member farms grow at least six distinct breadfruit varieties, enabling us to take advantage of variable harvesting seasons to supply ‘ulu virtually year-round. Farmer owned, ‘āina grown—from our trees to your table.
Hawai‘i ‘Ulu Cooperative Members
Gaison K.P. Adams
Evan Belaga, Down Dog Ranch
Robin Black, Hale Lanikaula
Dan Bolton, Kona Coffee & Tea
Max Bowman, ‘Ano‘ano Farm
Rick Brown, Haku Nui Farms
Gayle and Henry Cho, Keokea Farms
Henry Cho III, Keonaona Farm
Sam Choi
Bill DeBoe, 990 Farms
Lauren and Tom DeMent, Io Ag, LLC
Ethan Doctor, Mo‘oloa Farm
Dee Anne Dominick, Lapa‘au Botanical Sanctuary
Lani Eubank, E-Scape Enterprises
Stanley Eugenio
Arlene Hamblet, Akioma Farms
David Horne
Roberta Jacques and Isaac Tanaka
Greg and Cathy Johnson, Johnson Family Farms
Davelyn Noelani Kalipi, Kohala Instititue
Sam Keli‘iho‘omalu, Uncle's ‘Ulu
Richard S. Kodani, RS Kodani Farms
Linda Larish, Mauna Ikena Farm
Ed and Lynn Lincoln
Howard Ling, The Big Web Farm
Joe Lorosso, Generation Farm Hawaii
Māla Kalu‘ulu
Clarence and Nellie Medeiros
Ken Melrose, Primavera Farm
Tom Menezes, Alae Estate
Mike Miyashiro, Optimal Health LLC
Peter Montane, Peterʻs Farm
Therese Mulroy, Kumu ‘Āina Farm
Marcy Montgomery, Laughing Gecko Farm
Mike Nakada, Kapehu Farms
Susie Osborne, Naniseni Farms
Kip Onaka
Greg Owen, Inu Awa
Jackie Prell and John Caverly, Sweet Cane Cafe
Marian Tompkins
Nathan Trump, Island Harvest
Tina and Jack Turner, Captain's ‘Ohana Farm
Cindy Walsh, Kona ‘Ulu
Deborah Ward
Thomas Weinstein, Lava Flow Farm
David Wiseman, FAD Coffee
Board of Directors
Kyle Datta, President
Amanda Corby Noguchi, Vice President
Eoin Mast, Treasurer
Andrew Trump, Secretary
Marcus Woo, Director
Tom Menezes, Director
Dr. Noa Lincoln, University of Hawai‘i College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (indigenous crops and cropping systems)
Diane Ragone, The Breadfruit Institute
Mahalo to Our Partners!

Are you an ‘ulu grower? One tree is all it takes to join us! Visit our Join the Co-op page for more information.