Support the Co-op
Interested in supporting our efforts to make breadfruit more available and appreciated in Hawai‘i? There are several ways you can help! Contact us at 808-238-8869 or to learn more about these and other opportunities to kōkua.
Make a contribution. Join the rev‘ULUtion by supporting our efforts to build a regenerative ‘ulu industry for Hawai‘i that improves our ‘āina and community health. Tax-deductible donations can be made through our fiscal sponsor, Mā‘ona Community Garden. Make checks payable to Mā‘ona Community Garden with “Donation HUPC” in the memo line and mail to:
Mā‘ona Community Garden
PO Box 881
Honaunau, HI 96726
Questions? Please contact us.
Offset your carbon footprint. Help us transition our manufacturing operations to renewable energy in 2020! We’ve partnered with Carbon Buddy to make the process super simple. Visit their website to get started!
Volunteer. Learn more about ‘ulu than you ever thought you'd want to know by helping us staff booths at educational and community events, or do an in-store product demo.
Work with us! As we grow we need more staff. Email us if you’re interested in working for the co-op or visit our Employment page to learn about current job opportunities.
Eat more ‘ulu. The tastiest way to support the movement! Take it further by organizing your ‘ohana into an ‘ulu-buying hui and we’ll supply fresh or steamed-frozen fruit to your friends and family year-round.
Join the co-op. For membership info, please visit our Join the Co-op page.